Friday, January 29, 2010

New Bar Shifts...

N2 has some new bar shifts open...
N2 Desert Springs Bartender... 8-4 with Monday and Tuesday Off
N2 Fox Bartender (shift pending)
As with all new shifts, they are open for the taking WITHIN the unit for FIVE days, after those FIVE days, they are available to the AIRPORT for TWO extra days then sent out for outside hires.
If these shifts interest you and you would be transfering to the location, please get your name on the bid sheet in HR.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Shifts available

Here are the current shifts available for the taking...

T3- Shipping and Recieving Driver 5:00 AM- 5:00 PM

N2 Jody's Snack bar attendent- 3:00 PM-11:30 PM

N3 Quiznos Snack bar attendent- W: 7:00 AM-2:30 PM, Th: 8-3:00 PM, F: 8-3:00 PM, S: 2-10:30

N3 Quiznos Snack Bar: Sun-Tues: 2:00-10:30 PM, Wed-Thur: 3:00-10:30 PM

N3 Pizza Hut: hours vary, Monday and Tuesday off

N3 BK- 3:00-11:00 PM Friday and Saturday off

N3 BK- Monday-Thur 3:00-11:00 PM, Friday-Sun off

N4 Food Court- Mon, Thur, Fri 11:00 AM- 7:30 PM, Sat: 8:00-4:30 PM

S3 Food court- 4:00AM- 12:30 PM

S3 Food court- 7:00-3:30 PM

S3 Food Court- 1:00-9:30 PM

S4 Food Court- Sat-Mon: 5:30-1:30 pm, Wed: hours vary

IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN THESE JOBS VISIT HUMAN RESOURCES, if you have a friend or family member... have them visit

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Happy Anniversary!!

A BIG THANK YOU to our wonderful employees who have hit their anniersary dates!!
15 years:

Eva Hernandez

10 years:

Masood Mohammed

5 years:

George Pederson III
Anita Rittgers
Regan Weihe
Bacardi Relay
Michelle Peterson
Michael Holly
Semaynesh Andemaryam

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

English Classes

Here is great email that Patty Hurtado got regarding our FREE English Classes...

Dear Patty,

As we start 2010, we're proud of the accomplishments that your employees made in English class during 2009. 29 of your employees participated inthe classes last year, completing almost 1800 hours. That's an average of more than 60 hours per student. Four students stand out for especially highattendance. Mohamed Mohamed, Asmeret Brhane, and Susannah Woart each completedabout 250 hours, and Hiwet Kidane completed about 440 hours! Their dedicationis amazing, and it shows in their progress. They've completed multiple textbooks,their reading and speaking skills have noticeably improved, and several arepreparing to apply for U.S. citizenship. We are so pleased with all theirefforts.

The beginning of a new year is a great time for everyone to set goals. Our goal is to help any of your employees who want to improve their English thisyear. Our next cycle of English classes began January 11th to February10th. We'd love to have even more of your employees join us. Please remind managers to encourage interested employees to come on Monday or Wednesday anytime between 11:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. They can fill out a registrationform and take the placement test in class. Let us know if you have any suggestionsabout how we can best meet your needs in 2010. We're looking forward toanother great year of partnership with HMS!

Sincerely, Ruth Romano and Shannon McGrath

**For more information please contact HR**

Shifts available

These are the shifts currently available as of January 20, 2010
Shipping and Recieving Driver: 5:00 AM-5:00 PM
N2 Jody's Cashier: 3:00 PM- 11:30 PM
N4 Food Court Cashier: relief shift hours vary
S3 Food Court Cashier: 4:00 AM- 12:30 PM
S3 Food Court Cashier: 1:00 PM- 9:30 PM

Shifts currently Available...

If you have any FRIENDS or FAMILY that are interested in positions, please have them visit and apply online.


We have decided to create this website to share information with our many associates... this will allow you to access new company information, new policies, announcements, and any new shifts that are available. Check back often because we will be updating it daily when new shifts are available for internal bidding.

We hope you all find this resourceful.