Tuesday, May 18, 2010

New Shifts Available

N4 Hometurf has a SERVING shift- Wed-Friday 7-3:30, Sat and Sun 11-7:30 with Monday and Tuesday off
Cook Shifts Available
Chilis- Line Cook 11-7:30
Chilis- Line Cook 2-10:30
Chilis Prep Cook 12-8:30

Friday, May 7, 2010

Desert Springs Server Opening

We have a new server position available at Desert Springs (N2).
AM shift- 8-4 with Tuesday and Wednesday off.
If interested, please come to HR and put your name on the bid list.

Monday, May 3, 2010

S3 Openings

New server shift available
Fri. & Sat. 12 PM to close. Sunday off. Monday 6 AM to 2:30 PM. Tue. & wed. Off. Thursday 6 AM to 2:30 PM.
There is also a Prep Pizza Maker position available.
If interested in these positions, please contact Human Resources
602-275-1721 x3301

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Wellness Wednesday

Bet you didn't know...

-Men are 20% more likely than woman to sneeze in a dusty room

-a cup of coffee-flavored yogurt contains as much caffeine as a 12-ounce can of cola

-dandruff is not caused by dry scalp... fact is, its more common with oily scalp

-whispering when you're hoarse is actually worse for your vocal cords than speaking normally

-"Rx", the symbol appearing on prescriptions, means "take" from the Latin word for recipe.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

S3 Fox Server Spot

Fox Server
Sat., Sun., and Wed. off. Mon Tue. Thur. and Fri. at 12 PM to close
If interested, please come to Human Resources or call Allie. This shift will be posted until 5/4/2010

Monday, April 26, 2010


Happy Monday
We have some new shifts available at Chilis...
Cook: 2-close
Server: 7-3:30
Server: 2-10:30
Server: 2-10:30
If interested come over to HR or contact Allie at 602-275-1721x 3301 before next Monday May 1st.

Professional Behavior

**This memo was attached to your paychecks last week**

Every associate in our branch is responsible to help maintain a work environment that is positive and where everyone (coworkers and customers) are treated with dignity and respect. Associates are expected to act and behave professionally at all times. These ideas are the foundation for the Five Star Customer Service Standards and our Guarantee of Fair Treatment policies.

This memo is to serve as a reminder of our expectations in this area. Every effort needs to be made to use common sense and a reasonable standard when viewing workplace language and behavior, but in general we consider professional behavior to be defined as follows:

· We do not use profanity towards co-workers or customers
· We do not use behavior that could be perceived as threatening
· We think about the intent of our message and/or actions
· We do not make statements that would discourage anyone from working for HMSHost
· We do not make statements that would discourage anyone from patronizing HMSHost establishments

HMSHost has a process to follow-up on situations where professional behavior or language is not being used. That process should start with your management team, but you are welcome, at any time, to bring your concerns to Human Resources.

If the follow-up to a situation reveals behavior or language that is against policy or deemed unprofessional, disciplinary action may follow. The discipline in some seriously negligent situations could include termination.

Our goal is a positive (and fun) workplace that is respectful and inclusive of all the associates that work here. That achievement will create a welcoming environment for all of our customers.

Monday, April 19, 2010

N2 Fox Server position

N2 Fox has a shift that is up for bid. 1:30-close Thursday/Friday off
If interested, contact HR to have your name added to the list. The person with the most seniority at the close of the bid will be awarded the shift.
We also have cashier positions with various hours available.

Friday, April 9, 2010

new shifts

Hey there...
Just a few shifts to let you know about.
S3 Fox Server: Off days- Tues Wed and Sat 11-7:30 PM
S2 Dewars Server: 1-9:30 PM (not sure of days off)
Chilis Bartender: 11-7:30 Fri and Sat off
N1 Jose Cuervo Server: Tues and Wed off 6:30-2:00 PM

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Server Shifts Available

Dewars Shift: 1-9:00 PM
N1 Jose Cuervo AM and PM shifts Available

both are open until Friday for internal candidates-- come put your name in HR.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Wellness Wednesday

Protective Teas

It has been found through many studies that link non-herbal green, black or white tea to lower incidence of heart disease, certain cancers and other disorders. Results seem to be better the longer poeple drink tea, although how much to drink for health is unclear. Decaffinated brews contain the same protective components as caffeinated teas. (taken from Top Health Newsletter February 2010).

So next time you stop by Starbucks on your way in or out of work... order one of the wonderful teas that they offer.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Check out the new shifts that are available for you to bid on.
N1 Jose Cuervo Teq- SERVER: 6-1:30, Tuesday Wednesday Thursday OFF
N1 Jose Cuervo Teq- SERVER: 2-9:30 PM with SUNDAY AND MONDAY OFF
N1 Jose Cuervo Teq- SERVER: 7:30-2:30 with Tuesday and Wednesday OFF
N4 Hometurf Server: AM shift
N4 Hometurf: 8-4:30 with Tuesday and Wednesday off
N4 Food Court: 1:00 PM-close
N4 Food Court: 2:00PM- Close
S4 AM and PM shifts available
N4- 8:00 AM- 4:30 with Saturday, Sunday and Thursday off

If interested in these shifts- come to HR and put in the bid before Friday, April 2nd.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Wellness Wednesday

How to Manage Anger (taken from Top Health Newsletter, May 2009)

Frequently losing your temper not only alienates others, it can contribute to health problems including headaches, upset stomach and heart attack.

To take control:

Count to Ten: When someone angers you, give your body time to defuse before you react. Take three or four deep breaths. Is this really going to matter a week or month from now?

Walk it off: Go for a short stroll until you calm down.

Distract yourself: instead of pounding the horn in a traffic jam, turn on calming music. At work if you are angry, instead of being negative turn the negative energy into positive energy by working on task.

Keep a log: keep track of what angers you so that you can avoid those situations or people. By recognizing the triggers and in turn controlling the anger.

Ask for help: if managing outbursts seem impossible, don't be afraid to seek counseling, meditation, and lifestyle changes. Your health, your relationships, and possibly your job depends on it.

Monday, March 22, 2010

New Shifts- servers

We have three new shifts open up at Chilis if you are interested:
7am- 330pm- off Wed, Thursday
2pm- 1030pm- off Sat and Sunday
2pm-1030pm- off Mon, Tuesday
If interested: come to HR and sign up on the shift before Wednesday
Dick Clarks also has a server shift open- unknown hours.
Dick Clarks also has a PM COOK position

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Wellness Wednesday

Your health is important to us. Each week we will post a little information on wellness and health issues. This feature will be called.... WELLNESS WEDNESDAY!! (bet you are excited huh?)

FIVE Common Headache Triggers (taken from Top Health Newsletter-October 2009)

Headaches sufferers spend more the $4 billion a year on over-the-counter pain relievers. Prevention costs you nothing. Five leading headache culprits to watch out for:

1) Stress: Frayed nerves are frequent cause of "tension". Prevention Idea: take 30 minutes a day just to daydream (but not while you are on the clock), meditate or otherwise relax. Daily exercise can help ease stress and tension

2) Eyestrain: Focusing on one object for along time (such as a computer screen) can cause temporary head pain. Prevention Idea: take occasional eye breaks by looking out a window, consider an eye exam if vision becomes a problem.

3) Diet: certain foods contain substances that can trigger headaches for example, caffeine, red wine, processed meats, chocolate, cheesem citrus fruits, MSG

4) Sitting: staying seated for long periods can tighten muscles and lead to tension headaches. Prevention: move around, stretch once an hour, take a lunch time walk

5) Sleep: too little (and even too much) sleep can bring on headaches. Prevention: control your internal clock by going to bed and getting up at the same times each day, even when you are not working.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Safety First...

Shoes for Crews

As employess of HMS HOST, you can get a $20 dicount per year on a new pair of shoes. Slip resistant shoes are a SAFETY REQUIREMENT.

If interested in ordering a pair of comfy, slip resistant shoes- visit Bernadette in the admin. offices located in Terminal Three (next to Human Resources).

A little about Shoes For Crews:

SHOES FOR CREWS® is the manufacturer of today's #1 rated slip-resistant footwear for men and women in the workplace. Men and women wearing SHOES FOR CREWS® rarely, if ever, slip on greasy and greasy-wet floors (where most accidents happen). Over 45,000 restaurants, hotels, supermarkets, hospitals, warehouses, and factories in the US and Canada, including nine of the top food service chains, use them.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Two spots have opened up at N1 Jose Cuervo Tequilaria for PM bartenders. The shifts are closing shifts.

If interested, please come to HR and sign up for the shifts before 4:00 PM on Wednesday, March 10th.

Friday, March 5, 2010

New Shifts

There are a couple new shifts available on N3-

Cook-Roadhouse: 6-2 Friday and Sat 7-3 Sun Monday 2-10 Tuesday with Wed/Thur OFF

Burger King Snack Bar Attendant: 7:30-3 Thursday Friday, 9-5 Sat Sun, Mon Tues OFF, 7-2:30 Thursday
If interested come put your name on the list in HR before 3/12.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Happy Anniversary- March

Happy Anniversary... of working with the company!!
10 years:
Ibado Mahmud
5 years:
Medhin Mengistu
Eddie Mills
Anthony Estrada
Yemegnushal Alene
Asefash Gebremedhin
Ian Lejuez
Andrea Campos
Todd Beving
Crystal Perry
Glen Martin
Briana Rios

Monday, February 8, 2010

Server Shift available in T3 Teq.

Posted today 2/8/2010: Server T3 Tequileria 4:00 PM- 12:30 AM.

also: current openings- N1 utility: 6:00 AM- 2:00 PM
N2 Desert Springs Bartender: 8:00 AM- 4:00 PM (Mon/Tues off)
N3 Cashier: relief shifts Hours vary
N3 Burger King: 3:00 PM-11:00 PM

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Website/blog info

Just some info on the website... navigation tools

Website/Blog is in date order- this means that the most recent post will be listed first then go backwards in time.
If you get to the bottom of the posts, click on the "Older Posts" link to guide you to the previous posts.
You can search posts on the right side of the screen... you can search by topic or by month. Under the month will be the list of posts for that month.
If you get lost, click on the Title Bar Picture and it will take you back to the beginning.


Tuition Reimbursement

Did you know that HMS HOST will pay you back for attending school?? HMS HOST offers tuition reimbursement for your education. All you have to do it take the class, turn in your reciepts and your grades to HR and we will reimburse you up to $2400 a year for your schooling. This is an AWESOME benefit.
here's the specs...
- you have to get a grade of a "C" or better
- you have to pay for the class ahead of time and then we REIMBURSE you the costs
-you can take any type of class you want (even underwater basketweaving)
- you have to work for HMS HOST for at least a
-info needed: grades, reciepts showing method of payment, start date/end date of the class

Friday, January 29, 2010

New Bar Shifts...

N2 has some new bar shifts open...
N2 Desert Springs Bartender... 8-4 with Monday and Tuesday Off
N2 Fox Bartender (shift pending)
As with all new shifts, they are open for the taking WITHIN the unit for FIVE days, after those FIVE days, they are available to the AIRPORT for TWO extra days then sent out for outside hires.
If these shifts interest you and you would be transfering to the location, please get your name on the bid sheet in HR.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Shifts available

Here are the current shifts available for the taking...

T3- Shipping and Recieving Driver 5:00 AM- 5:00 PM

N2 Jody's Snack bar attendent- 3:00 PM-11:30 PM

N3 Quiznos Snack bar attendent- W: 7:00 AM-2:30 PM, Th: 8-3:00 PM, F: 8-3:00 PM, S: 2-10:30

N3 Quiznos Snack Bar: Sun-Tues: 2:00-10:30 PM, Wed-Thur: 3:00-10:30 PM

N3 Pizza Hut: hours vary, Monday and Tuesday off

N3 BK- 3:00-11:00 PM Friday and Saturday off

N3 BK- Monday-Thur 3:00-11:00 PM, Friday-Sun off

N4 Food Court- Mon, Thur, Fri 11:00 AM- 7:30 PM, Sat: 8:00-4:30 PM

S3 Food court- 4:00AM- 12:30 PM

S3 Food court- 7:00-3:30 PM

S3 Food Court- 1:00-9:30 PM

S4 Food Court- Sat-Mon: 5:30-1:30 pm, Wed: hours vary

IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN THESE JOBS VISIT HUMAN RESOURCES, if you have a friend or family member... have them visit www.hmshost.com/careers

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Happy Anniversary!!

A BIG THANK YOU to our wonderful employees who have hit their anniersary dates!!
15 years:

Eva Hernandez

10 years:

Masood Mohammed

5 years:

George Pederson III
Anita Rittgers
Regan Weihe
Bacardi Relay
Michelle Peterson
Michael Holly
Semaynesh Andemaryam

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

English Classes

Here is great email that Patty Hurtado got regarding our FREE English Classes...

Dear Patty,

As we start 2010, we're proud of the accomplishments that your employees made in English class during 2009. 29 of your employees participated inthe classes last year, completing almost 1800 hours. That's an average of more than 60 hours per student. Four students stand out for especially highattendance. Mohamed Mohamed, Asmeret Brhane, and Susannah Woart each completedabout 250 hours, and Hiwet Kidane completed about 440 hours! Their dedicationis amazing, and it shows in their progress. They've completed multiple textbooks,their reading and speaking skills have noticeably improved, and several arepreparing to apply for U.S. citizenship. We are so pleased with all theirefforts.

The beginning of a new year is a great time for everyone to set goals. Our goal is to help any of your employees who want to improve their English thisyear. Our next cycle of English classes began January 11th to February10th. We'd love to have even more of your employees join us. Please remind managers to encourage interested employees to come on Monday or Wednesday anytime between 11:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. They can fill out a registrationform and take the placement test in class. Let us know if you have any suggestionsabout how we can best meet your needs in 2010. We're looking forward toanother great year of partnership with HMS!

Sincerely, Ruth Romano and Shannon McGrath

**For more information please contact HR**

Shifts available

These are the shifts currently available as of January 20, 2010
Shipping and Recieving Driver: 5:00 AM-5:00 PM
N2 Jody's Cashier: 3:00 PM- 11:30 PM
N4 Food Court Cashier: relief shift hours vary
S3 Food Court Cashier: 4:00 AM- 12:30 PM
S3 Food Court Cashier: 1:00 PM- 9:30 PM

Shifts currently Available...

If you have any FRIENDS or FAMILY that are interested in positions, please have them visit www.hmshost.com/careers and apply online.


We have decided to create this website to share information with our many associates... this will allow you to access new company information, new policies, announcements, and any new shifts that are available. Check back often because we will be updating it daily when new shifts are available for internal bidding.

We hope you all find this resourceful.