Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Wellness Wednesday

Protective Teas

It has been found through many studies that link non-herbal green, black or white tea to lower incidence of heart disease, certain cancers and other disorders. Results seem to be better the longer poeple drink tea, although how much to drink for health is unclear. Decaffinated brews contain the same protective components as caffeinated teas. (taken from Top Health Newsletter February 2010).

So next time you stop by Starbucks on your way in or out of work... order one of the wonderful teas that they offer.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Check out the new shifts that are available for you to bid on.
N1 Jose Cuervo Teq- SERVER: 6-1:30, Tuesday Wednesday Thursday OFF
N1 Jose Cuervo Teq- SERVER: 2-9:30 PM with SUNDAY AND MONDAY OFF
N1 Jose Cuervo Teq- SERVER: 7:30-2:30 with Tuesday and Wednesday OFF
N4 Hometurf Server: AM shift
N4 Hometurf: 8-4:30 with Tuesday and Wednesday off
N4 Food Court: 1:00 PM-close
N4 Food Court: 2:00PM- Close
S4 AM and PM shifts available
N4- 8:00 AM- 4:30 with Saturday, Sunday and Thursday off

If interested in these shifts- come to HR and put in the bid before Friday, April 2nd.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Wellness Wednesday

How to Manage Anger (taken from Top Health Newsletter, May 2009)

Frequently losing your temper not only alienates others, it can contribute to health problems including headaches, upset stomach and heart attack.

To take control:

Count to Ten: When someone angers you, give your body time to defuse before you react. Take three or four deep breaths. Is this really going to matter a week or month from now?

Walk it off: Go for a short stroll until you calm down.

Distract yourself: instead of pounding the horn in a traffic jam, turn on calming music. At work if you are angry, instead of being negative turn the negative energy into positive energy by working on task.

Keep a log: keep track of what angers you so that you can avoid those situations or people. By recognizing the triggers and in turn controlling the anger.

Ask for help: if managing outbursts seem impossible, don't be afraid to seek counseling, meditation, and lifestyle changes. Your health, your relationships, and possibly your job depends on it.

Monday, March 22, 2010

New Shifts- servers

We have three new shifts open up at Chilis if you are interested:
7am- 330pm- off Wed, Thursday
2pm- 1030pm- off Sat and Sunday
2pm-1030pm- off Mon, Tuesday
If interested: come to HR and sign up on the shift before Wednesday
Dick Clarks also has a server shift open- unknown hours.
Dick Clarks also has a PM COOK position

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Wellness Wednesday

Your health is important to us. Each week we will post a little information on wellness and health issues. This feature will be called.... WELLNESS WEDNESDAY!! (bet you are excited huh?)

FIVE Common Headache Triggers (taken from Top Health Newsletter-October 2009)

Headaches sufferers spend more the $4 billion a year on over-the-counter pain relievers. Prevention costs you nothing. Five leading headache culprits to watch out for:

1) Stress: Frayed nerves are frequent cause of "tension". Prevention Idea: take 30 minutes a day just to daydream (but not while you are on the clock), meditate or otherwise relax. Daily exercise can help ease stress and tension

2) Eyestrain: Focusing on one object for along time (such as a computer screen) can cause temporary head pain. Prevention Idea: take occasional eye breaks by looking out a window, consider an eye exam if vision becomes a problem.

3) Diet: certain foods contain substances that can trigger headaches for example, caffeine, red wine, processed meats, chocolate, cheesem citrus fruits, MSG

4) Sitting: staying seated for long periods can tighten muscles and lead to tension headaches. Prevention: move around, stretch once an hour, take a lunch time walk

5) Sleep: too little (and even too much) sleep can bring on headaches. Prevention: control your internal clock by going to bed and getting up at the same times each day, even when you are not working.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Safety First...

Shoes for Crews

As employess of HMS HOST, you can get a $20 dicount per year on a new pair of shoes. Slip resistant shoes are a SAFETY REQUIREMENT.

If interested in ordering a pair of comfy, slip resistant shoes- visit Bernadette in the admin. offices located in Terminal Three (next to Human Resources).

A little about Shoes For Crews:

SHOES FOR CREWS® is the manufacturer of today's #1 rated slip-resistant footwear for men and women in the workplace. Men and women wearing SHOES FOR CREWS® rarely, if ever, slip on greasy and greasy-wet floors (where most accidents happen). Over 45,000 restaurants, hotels, supermarkets, hospitals, warehouses, and factories in the US and Canada, including nine of the top food service chains, use them.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Two spots have opened up at N1 Jose Cuervo Tequilaria for PM bartenders. The shifts are closing shifts.

If interested, please come to HR and sign up for the shifts before 4:00 PM on Wednesday, March 10th.

Friday, March 5, 2010

New Shifts

There are a couple new shifts available on N3-

Cook-Roadhouse: 6-2 Friday and Sat 7-3 Sun Monday 2-10 Tuesday with Wed/Thur OFF

Burger King Snack Bar Attendant: 7:30-3 Thursday Friday, 9-5 Sat Sun, Mon Tues OFF, 7-2:30 Thursday
If interested come put your name on the list in HR before 3/12.